O. Song

The Next Chapter

Next year is going to be fully committed to various Research and Development endeavors


The ultimate goal is to develop a world building project that can stand on its own, as well as be the fundamental part of an IP.

I’ve already started some work on “next-gen” VFX that anyone can, well, just play around with


Unreal Engine is the perfect choice for working with any type of project, be it scientific visualizations, metaverse virtual worlds, or anything in between.


I strongly believe that the ways of self expression and creativity have been revolutionized already. Previously, the “VFX” and “CG” were the domain of very high demands, both the technical know-how, and hardware platforms, as well as education. They say if you want to change the state of things, start with yourself. I can not provide everyone with the “hardware platforms” part, which leaves me with advocating for more open, affordable, and therefore creativity-enabling  tools and workflows. “Show, don’t tell”, you say? Yes, all that means me spending more time doing exactly that on YT (can’t figure out other video platforms for the life of me just yet).

I will continue to create step-by-step courses and tutorial series, some more artistic, others more technical on a variety of topics – both with proven, up-to-date techniques, as well as more “out there” thought experiments. Hopefully this will help with laying foundations for something bigger, but more on that later. Exciting times.